Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mickie vs. Lita Surviver Series 11/26/06

Mickie won the Women’s Championship Title from Lita, in Lita’s retirement match, by scoring a pin fall in 8.18 minutes.

This match was what I believe is referred to as a slug fest. It was mostly punches, kicks, and shoving their opponent into the turnbuckles or face first into the mat. As far as WWE women’s matches go, it was well above average. The simple fact it lasted more than 3 minutes shows it was an exceptional match. However, there was nothing historical about this match.

The score of the match is as follows (click here for an explanation of my point system):

Striking: 38
Tosses: 6
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kick-outs: 6

Striking: 25
Tosses: 14
Locks: 2
Aerials: 2
Kick-outs: 5

Winner: Mickie James, championship title. Pinfall in 8.18 minutes.
Mickie’s total score: 53
Lita’s total score: 67

This match was actually a let down. In fact, I don’t think it was as good as their match on Cyber Sunday.

Even though Lita scored 14 tosses, most of them were just shoves; shoving Mickie’s face into the mat, shoving her face first into the turnbuckle, Irish Whip into the corner. It was basically eight minutes of trading blows.

I think my real disappointment in this stems from the three weeks of squash matches, where Mickie had to fight one match with her hand tied behind her back, another with her feet shackled, and another one blind folded. These served as teasers leading to this match; and so I just expected more.

Also, this was Lita’s retirement match. Lita, the most important woman in the history of women’s wrestling, was in her final match against a woman that was to carry the torch for her generation, and it consisted of mostly trading punches.

I feel really let down that we didn’t see half a dozen Hurricanrannas, at least one suicide dive, 30 seconds of chain wrestling, and at least one rope maneuver to the outside, and someone going through a table could have acted as the icing on the cake.

Lita went with what I believe is called a Rear Naked Choke. It is a sleeper hold and a body scissors hold at the same time.

The only submission or “Lock” that Mickie went for was the head scissors in preparation for a Hurricanranna that was reversed into a sort of flapjack by Lita. I wasn’t really sure whether or not that constituted as a lock by Mickie.

If it being Lita’s retirement match, and being a pretty lame match wasn’t sad enough, Cryme Tyme then comes out and begins humiliating Lita by auctioning off to the crowd some things they stole from her dressing room. Panties, brazier, yeast infection cream, and a vibrator. The segment wasn’t really funny, just toilet humor (the one thing WWE is good at) and humiliating to Lita.

To see the way Trish got to retire, and compare it to the way Lita retired, and it is proof positive that no matter how hard you work, if you’re a woman, it’ll all come down to how pretty you are.

Another thing that took away from the match was the crowd’s never end chants of “hoooooooe” and “she’s got herpes” and King’s non-stop “slut” jokes towards her.

I really wish Lita well on her new career as a musician. Perhaps the music industry will treat her with more respect than the wrestling industry.

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