Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mickie verses Lita at Cyber Sunday 2006

Mickie versus Lita at Cyber Sunday 2006

This match was a lumberjack, or lumberjill, match. All divas were present.

The match lasted eight minutes and five seconds (8.05).
Lita being victorious and winning the Women’s Championship.

I calculated the match, and keep in mind, I did not count the interaction with the Lumberjills into the score. Click Here to understand my point system The match’s score was like this:

Striking: 23
Tosses: 13
Locks: 3
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 3

Striking: 19
Tosses: 11
Locks: 3
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 2

Total skill displayed by Mickie: 58
Total skill displayed by Lita: 50

It was a great match in my opinion, despite two possible botched moves by Mickie.
The first one was when Mickie captured Lita in a leg (head) scissors and attempted to flip both herself and Lita over the ropes, to the outside. I’ve watched this frame by frame, and from the camera angle, and the quality of my digital media, it appears either Lita did not flip herself over the top rope fast enough, or Mickie lost her grip on the head scissors, or Mickie’s feet slipped off of the apron.

I saw Mickie’s feet slip off of the apron when she landed, but I have to question if they were even supposed to land on the apron at all. Of course an early release on the head scissors could be what lead to the feet slipping off of the apron when landing. Of course Lita’s delay in flipping over the top rope could have lead to Mickie’s premature release on the head scissors, which caused the improper landing, and thus slipping, off of the apron. There are just too many possibilities as to what went wrong.

But, both Mickie and Lita made it to being out side of the ring and having the Lumberjills toss them back in. So, botched or not, the outcome was the same.

The second botch was when Mickie was going for her DDT finisher. I believe it’s technically a Tornado DDT? Anyhow, in the corner, she tried to use the ropes to run across to create the 180 spin, like something out of The Matrix. It appears her foot slipped, or missed, and she hit the mat without Lita.

Some say this was a botch. I question whether or not that wasn’t intentional. My reason for suspecting that botch was intended is this:

As soon as Mickie hit the mat, Lita went for a cover, and used her feet on the ropes for leverage. Lumberjill Candice Michelle knocked Lita’s feet off of the ropes allowing Mickie to kick out of the pin- perfect timing.

Mickie then made her way up, and moments later, ran to the far side of the ring to bounce off of the ropes for some kind of a move, and had her foot grabbed by Victoria. Mickie then did a drop kick through the ropes, hitting her other two arch rivals, Victoria, and Melina. She then turned around and was suddenly given Lita’s DDT, and immediately pinned.

So, if this were a botch, we must accept the fact that Lita was meant to win, and thus Mickie was never meant to hit that Tornado DDT. Also, at some point in time, Candice Michelle was meant to knock Lita’s feet off of the ropes when she was trying to pin Mickie, right over there where it happened.

And we know Mickie was meant to get tripped up by Victoria, and then deliver a through the ropes drop kick onto her and Melina.

So, it all worked together so seamlessly, that I am skeptical on whether or not that was botch.

Either way, I think it was a great match.

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