Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Diva Battle Royal for contender to Mickie’s title on Raw, 11/27/06

This week, after what I personally think was a let down match between Mickie and Lita at Survivor Series, Mickie joins JR and the King on commentary. All the Raw divas enter the ring for a chance to become the number one contender for Mickie’s championship title.

JR asks who is she hoping will win, to which Mickie responds “Oh, I don’t care. I ain’t afraid of any of them; I’ll take on anyone.”

The final divas were left to battle it out were Candice Michelle and Victoria. The winner was Victoria. However, if anyone has the footage and cares to replay it, you’ll notice Candice was thrown over the second rope to the floor; and thus should not have been disqualified.

After Victoria won the Battle Royal, she walked up to Mickie for a little trash talking. I’m not sure what she said. Mickie was basically retorting with generic “What!? Bring it on! I ain’t afraid of you.”

Victoria then walked back into the ring and delivered The Widows Peak to Candice. This was supposed to intimidate Mickie; but Mickie wasn’t impressed.

Well that is pretty much the entire segment. I think it’s odd that Victoria was chosen to be the winner. I mean after all, won’t this be the first match she’s won in over a year? And isn’t it odd that the biggest, and strongest diva on Raw hasn’t won in about a year?

So it all leads me to ask this question: is Victoria going to quickly and easily job out to Mickie? Or is the WWE finally going to give Lisa Marie Varon’s character “Victoria” some respect and dignity?

The potential to have one hellacious rivalry between the two certainly exists, but then one has to realize that if anyone can destroy a great idea, it’s the WWE.


Anonymous said...

Wolf its me H anyway i think this fued last till
New Years Revolution with Mickie winning and vanqishing this Victoria. Since she has been buried for years now i dont think Victoria gets any dignaty. But i think Mickie loses to Melina at the Royal Rumble and Mickie then defeats Melina at Wrestlemania to go 2-0 and be the 3time Womesns Champion

Jillian Hall Curious16 said...

hi this is mickie lover39 from the new extreeme forum i love your blog!