Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Melina versus Mickie 10-23-06

It has been anticipated forever. Both Melina and Mickie fans have been dying to see this match. Currently, among WWE diva smarks, Melina and Mickie are like Coke and Pepsi, like Ford and Chevy. They are considered the top two talented divas in the company right now.

It was destined to be a classic in the making. Unfortunately, the match lasting a little under four minutes, cut that short.

Despite the very limited time frame these girls had to work with, I think both Melina and Mickie pulled off a great match.

Melina fans claim Mickie James botched everything, and no sold, attempting to turn it into a squash match. Mickie fans claim Melina was dead weight and Mickie had to carry her. In other words Mickie fans belittled Melina’s performance, Melina fans belittled Mickie’s performance. Each fan group claiming their girl had to sell this move and that move. I suppose this translates to both girls carrying each other and selling it well- which is my interpretation.

I think the match was great for its short time, and both girls performed really well.

I have tabulated the match. Click Here to understand my point system

Striking: 27
Toss: 6
Lock: 0
Aerial: 0
Kickouts: 2

Striking: 18
Toss: 4
Lock: 2
Aerial: 0
Kickouts: 2

Taking the numbers I observed in the fight, and applying them to my system, the worth of which goes like this:


Of course that tabulated score doesn’t really say anything about their actual skill or their performance that night; it’s just a little something extra I like to do when I tabulate matches like this.

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