Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mickie vs Melina, Raw 03/05/07

This was Mickie's rematch for the title. It was a falls count anywhere match. Oddly enough the special guest announcer (first time I ever heard of one of those) was Ashley.

Due to the type of match this was, and the fact there was a commercial break, and the interference, I didn’t bother to mark down the fight score as I normally would. The match lasted about 7.20 minutes if you include the commercial break time.

The fight between Melina and Mickie began with Mickie doing a running baseball slide through the ropes into Melina while she was posing with the championship belt. Mickie got a few shots in and Melina ran to the back with Mickie in pursuit.

A typical back stage fight scene took place, which means lots of goofy stuff and slamming your opponent into things and through doorways etc.

They made their way to the women’s locker room, Melina still trying to put some distance between her and Mickie. In the dressing room Maria slapped Melina, then Victoria attacked Mickie, and held her arms back while Melina took some free shots on her. Then Mickie kicked Melina away and Torrie blinded Victoria with hair spray.

Candice comes out in a towel and says "What the hell's going on?" and then yells for Melina to get out. Melina yanks Candice's towel off, and suddenly the lights go out, or the camera messes up (which ever way they tried to play it). When the lights came back on Candice was covering her boobs with her hands and wearing pink panties... instead of actually being nude.

The camera has some more technical difficulties and then a commercial break. After the commercial break we see the entrance way, the audience seems to be booing and is a bit upset that they are missing the action due to the technical difficulties. But then only a few seconds after commercial break they come rolling through the entrance way- the crowd cheers now that they can see some action again.

Melina and Mickie are on the floor grappling each other and rolling and rolling and rolling down the ramp. I thought they were actually going to roll alllll the way back to the ring.

They do make their way back to the ring. Melina is still trying to get away from the more fierce and dominating Mickie. In an effort to get away she tries to climb the ropes to climb away from Mickie... if that makes sense.

At any rate, Mickie gets Melina on the top rope, slams her head/face into the top of the steel post. Then attempts a Hurricanranna (the type that was called the Frankensteiner in N64's WWF No Mercy), but Melina holds on to the ropes so that Mickie falls on her face and stomach. Unfortunately, that is what was supposed to happen. What actually did happen was Mickie going for the Hurricanranna, attempting to jump up on Melina's shoulders, but Melina bowed her head down for some reason, and Mickie ended up jumping up onto Melina’s head with nothing to hold on to, and no where to go but falling backward at a helpless angle.

Mickie landed on her head in a very sick way. And when I say she landed on her head, I mean the very top of her head, with her neck bending to the side, the way a persons neck bends right before it breaks.

Melina hops down and rolls her up for a pin. Then she hops up off of Mickie, and she's holding her nose, and staggers a few steps, the ref raises her hand, and Melina is still holding her nose. I didn't see where Melina got her nose hit. So that didn't make sense, but whatever. The important thing is our goddess Mickie actually got hurt.

Ashley announces Melina as the winner. Melina marches over to Ashley and yanks the belt from her. Ashley and Melina get up in each others face and start yappin. Ashley shoves Melina down. And then gets in the ring and helps Mickie up, while Melina walks angrily up the entrance ramp.

When I first watched all of this I didn’t think Mickie was hurt. I thought it was a really sick spot that Mickie performed. And so when Ashley got into the ring and helped Mickie up and made sure she was alright, I swear I thought right then and there the other was going to do a heel turn and attack the other. I just didn’t know which one it was.

You gotta keep in mind that Ashley and Mickie were enemies with no reason to have made up. Mickie kidnapped Ashley, tied and gagged her in an effort to teach Trish Stratus a lesson.

So what we get is yet another story/character inconsistency,

In the world of wrestling, we are supposed to forget everything that happened three months ago.

An example is Linda McMahan kicking JR in the nuts and telling him he’s fired. I can’t wait for Linda to make yet another return, only to have JR pretend the incident never happened, and go on to sing her praise.

But all that’s really important is that Mickie is doing just fine, and escaped with nothing more than a sore neck that is all better today. Though the image still bothers me of just how close Mickie came to breaking her neck. I mean she landed right on the top of her head nearly completely vertical. Her body came crashing down on top of herself with her neck twisting to the side, causing her ear and shoulder to meet. A very close call to a serious career/life ending situation.

This only reconfirms my proclamation that Mickie isn’t just a girl; she is an indestructible goddess.

The reason we won’t be seeing her for a little while is that she has been scheduled for a little down time, a sweet little vacation. She may or may not be back by the time Wrestlemania rolls around.

There is still some speculation that the Ashley and Melina match at Wrestlemania could end up being a triple threat match between the three, or with Mickie as a special guest referee, which would provide the opportunity for a heal turn and all sorts of cool things. So there is still hope for Mickie to be a part of Wrestlemania.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Melina vs Maria, Raw, 02/26/07

I normally wouldn't bother updating my Mickie blog with other women's matches, but this time I decided to. With this being Melina's first match since stealing the title from Mickie.

Before the match started, Melina was doing a promo, talking about Ashley, which only confirms the paranoia that we really are going to have to sit through an Ashley and Melina match at Wresltemania.

But she also mentions that Mickie has a clause that says she can issue a rematch for her title. So Melina is going to wrestle her next week (Monday, march 5th).

The Match between Melina and Maria wasn't as bad as I thought. Apparently Melina knows how to carry people.

Like I said, the match wasn't totally dead. And it did have some nice action, though you could tell Maria was being carried, and she was a bit sloppy. Though I commend her on her efforts to put on a high action match that was very much away from her original in ring persona (hiding from everybody then getting a cheap roll up pin.)

Melina set the pace and dominated Maria throughout most of the match. Then Maria began to mount some offense near the end. She got on a roll an then went to do that Bronco Buster move where she basically gets her opponent in the corner and then runs, jumps on her and begins humping her.

Melina gets her knee up as Maria is coming down, legs spread wide open... do you see where I'm going with this? Bang! Right in the crotch. Maria grabs herself in pain, Melina then rolls her up for the pin.

The match went like this (click here for an understanding of my point system)
Melina wins by pinfall in 3.24 minutes.

Striking: 8
Tossing: 6
Locks: 4
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 2

Striking: 3
Tossing: 7
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 1

Melina: 32
Maria: 20

Well, let's see what next week brings for Mickie's rematch.

Mickie vs. Melina, Raw, 02/19/07

Mickie James versus Melina Perez for the women's championship title. Monday night Raw.

This was another stiff match between Melina and Mickie. I just love to watch these two go at it. There has been a big rumor for a long while that Mickie and Melina have real backstage heat, or at least had some heat. So, many of us speculate whether or not they are working that heat out by beating the hell out of each other in the ring. But I personally doubt that.

The reason I doubt it is if these two were to shoot on each other, we'd see a busted lip pretty quick, and there is no blood in a woman's match... at least 3 weeks out of the month (sorry, I couldn't resist). Also, I think both of these ladies have to much professionalism, and each knows that if they make the other look bad, that in turn makes them look like a bad worker, and thus nobody wins from that situation.

But anyway, this match was tough, and rather brutal for a women's match.

The match ended when Mickie went for the Huricanranna in the corner like she normally does, but Melina grabs the rope to stop the flipping momentum, which causes Mickie to fall head first onto the mat. Melina quickly rolls her up for the pin before she has a chance to regain her composure from the spill. And thus our new women's champion is Melina Perez.

Our Mickie, my sweet goddess Mickie, she has lost her title. 'tis a sad day for Mickie fans.
To make matters worse, the word has it all over the internet and even wrestling radio shows, that Ashley will most likely be Melina's opponent at Wrestlemania.

If this happens, and Ashley gets a Wrestlemania spot just because she got naked in playboy, and this costs our Mickie a spot at Mania... May Ashley break her neck. And may the people who scheduled this match quickly die of an aneurysm.

Mickie fans, I urge you, at Wrestlemania, if it is indeed Melina vs Ashley, to chant "we want Mickie. We want Mickie. We want Mickie." throughout the entire match. No need to boo or chant "boring" or anything else. Just chant "We want Mickie." That short, simple message will have the most effect. It will show Mickie that she is loved and respected over a Playboy Playmate. It will show WWE Creative and Booking that we want real women performing the best wrestling matches they can; not glorified strippers and porn queens mocking the art of woman's wrestling.

If we chant "boring" we may inadvertently send the message that women's wrestling itself is boring. And that would only reduce the women's division to more pillow fights and nonsense.

Anyhow, the match went like this (click here for an understanding of my point system)

Time 4.21 minutes. Winner: Melina, by pinfall, becomes new women's champion.

Striking: 24
Tosses: 7
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 2

Striking: 19
Tosses: 6
Locks: 2
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Total score
Mickie: 41
Melina: 37

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mickie vs. Melina, Raw, 02/05/07

This match was for the women's championship. From what I understand Mickie faced Victoria at the Royal Rumble for the final time, and beat her.

At any rate, we have two of my favorite girls- Mickie and Melina. I've wanted to see a long Mickie/Melina feud for a while now, and I think we are finally getting it.

This match had Super Crazy in Mickie's corner, and Johny Nitro in Melina's corner. This match came right after Super Crazy fought and won against Johny Nitro, with Melina in Johny's corner, and Mickie in Super Crazy's corner. I think that's rather odd.

This match was full of action and aggression from both girls. It was rather brutal for a women's match.

The match ended when Melina rolled up Mickie for a pin and held on to the ropes for leverage. The ref caught her and while she spent that split second arguing with the ref, Mickie reversed the pin and she got the pin fall, retaining the women's championship title.

The score looked like this (click here to see an explanation of my point system)
Raw, February 5th, 2007.
Title match, standard rules, Mickie vs Melina.
Match lasted 4.41 minutes.
Mickie wins by pinfall, retains title.

Striking: 24
Tosses: 5
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 3

Striking: 11
Tosses: 5
Locks: 5
Kickouts: 1

Mickie: 41
Melina: 36

After the match the paparazzi come into the ring to take pictures of an irate Melina. She shoos them away and covers her face while Johnny Nitro tries to intimidate them out of the ring.

Apparently there was a tag team match after this match, but it was on the Raw that aired Thursday. I opted to watch TNA instead so I missed it. all i know is it had Mickie on one side and Melina on the other. If I ever get a hold of the footage I will add the details in here.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mickie & Candice vs Victoria & Melina, Raw: 1/22/07

This was a great tag match between Candice & Mickie and Melina & Victoria.

I suppose the reason they put Candice in here was to get revenge on Victoria for the legit broken nose.

As much of a Mickie and Victoria mark as I am, I will say that I was most impressed with Candice’s performance tonight. Perhaps it’s because she showed a lot of improvement. In fact, I’ve notice the entire women’s division on Raw has stepped up its game. Many people believed after Trish and Lita left there would be nothing left for the women’s division. Perhaps I have completely gone mad, but it seems as if the division has actually gotten better. What do you readers think?

Candice showed a lot of verbal anger and displayed a lot of fierce physical aggression. This is certainly new for Candice. Her anger was so intense that a rather funny spot came about (accidentally I’m sure). After Melina and Victoria do some sort of double teaming to Mickie, Candice runs into the ring and runs towards Victoria to give her a beating. However on her way there she runs into Melina…hard! JR mentions that she is so determined to get at Victoria that she ran right over Melina. Just the way it happened makes me believe that was pure accident. Melina was visually and verbally pissed over that, but I can’t tell whether that was Kayfabe anger or not.

There was another weird moment I am not sure about. Mickie was in her opponents corner when Victoria backed up slowly to the center of the ring and then charged forward to ram or splash her. Mickie moved out of the way in the nick of time, and did so to Victoria’s left. So immediately after Victoria hits the corner, chest first, she staggers a step back and then turns to her left and swings at Melina, stopping just in the nick of time, and then appears to apologize to her, then turns around just as Mickie lunges for the tag.

When I first seen this I didn’t understand what I had just seen. On replaying it, I figured this was just scripted. But afterwards, I watched a few more times, and I have to admit that there appears to be a pretty good chance this was an accident. As I said, Mickie dodged Victoria’s telegraphed splash effort, and did so to the left. Mickie continued to run around Victoria and to her corner. Victoria hit the turnbuckles, staggered one step, and turned around expecting to see Mickie right about where Melina was standing (just on the other side of the ropes LOL). Add into the equation that Mickie and Melina were both wearing leopard print clothes, and it may have been a case of mistaken identity.

And yes, Mickie and Melina, two women who are constantly compared to each other and accused of copying each other’s look, were both wearing leopard print tonight. I feel this has to be one of the two mocking the other.

Aside from those two weird moments, the other highlights I’d like to mention are:
Mickie rolling Melina up so that her butt’s in the air, then looking directly at Victoria, Mickie licks her hand and smacks Melina’s butt. Victoria then rubs her own butt cheek in empathy.

The other moment was Candice getting the pin on Victoria after a nice second rope spinning (or turning) back elbow. It looked as if she was originally going for a spinning wheel kick. Either way, I was very impressed with this display of athleticism by Candice.

Candice has really upped her game. She went from strictly eye candy, to being a legit female wrestler. She still has a long way to go before she reaches the same status as Trish, Mickie, Victoria, Lita, Ivory, Melina, or any other “real” female wrestler. But, if she does continue improving as she has, I feel that Candice could be on par with these girls in a couple of years.

Candice shows talent, and a desire to go all out and take her wrestling career seriously. The only thing wrong with her performance is her greenness; her simple lack of in ring time. Many wrestlers of both sexes come into the business doing some fancy stuff, but there is no substituting for genuine experience.

I really foresee Candice becoming an incredible wrestler.

The match’s figures go like this (click here for an understanding of my point system)

Candice and Mickie win; Candice scores the winning pinfall on Victoria. The Match was 3.08 minutes long.

Striking: 4
Tosses: 3
Locks: 0
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 1

Striking: 4
Tosses: 2
Locks: 0
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 8
Tosses: 4
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 1

Striking: 6
Tosses: 3
Locks: 2
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Mickie: 14
Candice: 12
Victoria: 19
Melina: 18

The reason Candice didn’t have many points, despite being the one to score the winning pinfall, is that she had very little ring time.

Mickie also didn’t get too many points because even though she had the longest in ring time, she spent that time getting beat up and double teamed by Victoria and Melina. Victoria and Melina had a high score because they spent most of their time double teaming and wearing down Mickie.

All in all, it was a damn fine match for a women’s tag team match lasting only 3 minutes. It was certainly the most entertaining 3 minutes of that Raw.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Mickie vs Victoria, Raw, 01/15/07

This was another great match between Mickie and Victoria. These two have excellent chemistry.
There was nothing spectacular about this match; it was just good all around.

This was for the Women's Championship Title.

Some of the highlights that come to mind is Victoria doing a baseball slide to Mickie when she is trying to get back into the ring. This was pulled off flawlessly by both participants. I recall JR saying "Victoria with a baseball slide there caught Mickie in the chest or maybe the face." and The King says "Oh I hope it was her fa... actually neither one would be good."

Another highlight is Victoria grabbing Mickie's hair and tossing her across the ring. It's not the distance that's amazing; it's the spin. she kind of looked like a boomerang, only she didn't come back.

Another great highlight was when Victoria rolled out of the ring, and stood on the outside bitching at the ref that he needs to tell Mickie to watch the hair. As she is getting back in the ring , Mickie grabs her by the hair and pulls her half way into the ring so that she is laying on the top rope. She then proceeds to spank Victoria's butt a total of four times (and yes I did count those as strikes.)

Then in a move that looked really painful, Mickie attempted a reverse spin kick, but Victoria grabbed the foot and yanked it, forcing Mickie to do a painful looking split. I tell ya, Mickie is as flexible as they come.

And for the second time, I seen Victoria kick Mickie in the abs and then get her foot caught on Mickie's skirt. Maybe Mickie should stop wearing skirts... Nah! Gotta see Mickie in a skirt.

Anyhow, the score went like this (click here for an explanation of my point system)
Time= aproximately 3.18 minutes, Winner= Mickie, by pinfall after delivering a spinkick to the head.

Striking: 12
Tosses: 4
Locks: 0
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 1

Striking: 5
Tosses: 8
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 2

Mickie: 20
Victoria: 25

Most of the striking wasn't done with fists and feet, but with clotheslines and drop kicks. The match was not weak by any stretch of the imagination; there was plenty of classic wrestling action!

Notice I said the time was approximate? That's because my VCR just broke and sometimes it will start playing normal speed but then slow down to 1/4rth speed for a second or so. It will do this about 3 times every few minutes. My stop watch said 3.22 but I figured 4 of those seconds were added because of the slow-mo delay. So, I may be off by a few seconds, but that's all.

Raw, Tag Match, 01/08/07

Ok, forgive me my fellow Mickie Maniacs, I’ve gotten myself back logged by nearly a month, so this particular match I don’t remember very well. Though I was able to tape it and mark the points.

This match occurs right after Mickie and Victoria’s title battle on New Years Revolution.
This is a tag match: Mickie & Maria versus Victoria & Melina.

If Maria had been replaced by Daizee Haze, this would have been my women’s wrestling dream match. Mickie, Victoria, and Melina, all in the same ring -and their performance didn’t let me down!

There were a couple of rough spots in Maria’s performance, but not enough to take away from the match. I’ll give her credit, she was able to hang with the three most talented women in the WWE.

I don’t recall any moment that could be considered a highlight, but I do recall one move that sticks out in my mind: Melina kicking Maria. But this wasn’t an ordinary kick. Melina had Maria in the corner, and she kicked backward with one foot while bending forward, which made her foot bring it’s self up to where her head was, slamming into Maria’s face.

The kick looked weak as far as the perception of impact, but the move itself was rather innovative and took some nice flexibility on Melina’s part. Melina: an often over looked wrestler that never ceases to impress me.

Well, I had a bit of a problem trying to calculate the score of a tag match. There was one moment nearing the end where Mickie runs across the apron, jumps off and lands on Victoria in a Lou Thez press fashion, and began throwing some punches. The camera then moved away from them, so I couldn’t see how many punches she got in. I seen one punch, and as the camera was moving away I am pretty sure I seen another punch, and it’s fair to assume she probably got in 2 to 4 more punches, but I can’t call what I don’t see.

Anyhow, the score goes as follows: (click here for an explanation of my point system)
Time= 3.00 minutes, winner= Melina: pinfall on Maria.

Striking: 8
Tosses: 4
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 2
Tosses: 0
Locks: 0
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 4
Tosses: 1
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 8
Tosses: 3
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 1

Mickie: 23
Maria: 2
Victoria: 9
Melina: 21

Melina’s aerial was a modified version of her running face buster. I think it is called The Makeover. This modified version she delivered for the knock out on Maria incorporated running across the second rope corner in a matrix style circular wall kickoff. If someone actually knows what the hell that’s called, or has a better term for it, let me know. Anyhow I counted that as an aerial because she used an elevated platform to elevate her into the move. But I have to admit it was a pretty tough decision as to whether or not to count that as an aerial.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mickie vs. Victoria, on New Year’s Revolution, For the Women’s Title, 01/07/2007

The last time these two fought Victoria got a clean win over Mickie. After making a check list on a clipboard marking off the divas she had destroyed, she added a check next to Mickie James as she lay there unconscious from a devastating Widows Peak. She then writes “Women’s Championship” on the check list. Will this be the night Victoria makes good on that promise?

This match was fantastic! Even better than their last match on Raw (12\11\06). This match came complete with good ring psychology, plenty of reversals, suspense, dynamite displays of athleticism, and of course, our girl, Mickie James, retaining the title after scoring a clean pin fall.

Below is how I scored the match. (Click here for an explanation of my point system).

Striking: 25
Tosses: 9
Locks: 2
Aerials: 0
Kick outs: 1

Striking: 10
Tosses: 7
Locks: 6
Aerials: 1
Kick outs: 4

Final Score:
Mickie: 49
Victoria: 46

Mickie wins by pin fall after reversing a move into her DDT finisher in 6.29 minutes.

Near the end of the match Melina comes to the rescue of Victoria. Victoria has promised Melina a title shot if she wins the belt from Mickie James. And so Melina comes to ringside after Victoria has been knocked to the outside. Mickie meats her outside, ducks a punch, and delivers one of her own, then rear kicks Victoria in the gut as she was trying to jump her from behind.

Mickie gets Victoria back in the ring and goes for her finisher, but Melina grabs her foot and tugs on her. Mickie turns around and tries to kick her foot through the ropes to hit Melina, but Melina has backed off while Victoria sneaks up behind her, gives a couple of strikes and then sets her up for The Widows Peak.

On the outside Candice and Maria attack Melina. Just as Victoria is about to hit The Widows Peak, Mickie reverses it into a Sunset Rollup and nearly gets a pin on Victoria.

After Victoria kicks out she scoops Mickie up into what appears to be either a Power Slam or a Tilta-Whirl Side Slam, but Mickie reverses it into her signature DDT and scores the pin fall.

Perhaps the greatest move of the match was Victoria grabbing Mickie by the hair and tossing her across the ring so hard that Mickie did a 540 spin (one and half spins). It is possible it may have been as much as a 600 spin (one and two thirds). JR made the statement that Mickie looked like a sexy Frisbee.

Mickie vs. Victoria, on Raw, non-title, 12\11\06

After spending the past 3 weeks destroying divas, Victoria has a list of Divas she has checked off; next on that list is Mickie James. Tonight we will finally see if Victoria can add Mickie to her list of Victims.

This was an excellent match in my opinion. I’ve been waiting for a match like this so that Mickie may show off her skills to the world. The match was four minutes and twenty five seconds long (4:25).

Below is the score. Click here for an understanding of my point system. I should mention that at least three of Victoria’s Toss points were acquired by reversing Mickie’s Irish Whip. Since it was Victoria that was able to finish the momentum, I gave the point to her; and not to Mickie.

Victoria wins by pin fall after executing her finisher (The Widows Peak) in 4.25 minutes.

Striking: 10
Tosses: 6
Locks: 0
Aerials: 1
Kick outs: 2

Striking: 9
Tosses: 12
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kick outs: 4

Final Score
Mickie: 26
Victoria: 40

Though it would appear that Victoria nearly doubled the amount of moves as Mickie when you look at the 26 to 40 score, it could have been 32 to 34 had I counted the Irish Whips as Mickie’s moves. Or the score would have been 32 to 40 had I given them both points for the reversed Irish Whips.

Victoria came out ahead in points and in the ring. I think Victoria actually did some better wrestling than Mickie. Victoria was the aggressor and had the upper hand through most of the match. But make no mistake, this was not a squash match at all. This was a classic match.

Some highlights of the match were:
Victoria doing a Superplex to Mickie in under the first minute of the match (I gave an aerial point to both of them for the move).

Victoria’s attempt at a Tilta-whirl side slam being reversed by Mickie into a leg to head scissors take down (almost a Hurricanranna).
After defeating Mickie, Victoria grabs her clipboard, checks off Mickie’s name, and then writes “Women’s Championship” as next on the list.