Monday, January 29, 2007

Raw, Tag Match, 01/08/07

Ok, forgive me my fellow Mickie Maniacs, I’ve gotten myself back logged by nearly a month, so this particular match I don’t remember very well. Though I was able to tape it and mark the points.

This match occurs right after Mickie and Victoria’s title battle on New Years Revolution.
This is a tag match: Mickie & Maria versus Victoria & Melina.

If Maria had been replaced by Daizee Haze, this would have been my women’s wrestling dream match. Mickie, Victoria, and Melina, all in the same ring -and their performance didn’t let me down!

There were a couple of rough spots in Maria’s performance, but not enough to take away from the match. I’ll give her credit, she was able to hang with the three most talented women in the WWE.

I don’t recall any moment that could be considered a highlight, but I do recall one move that sticks out in my mind: Melina kicking Maria. But this wasn’t an ordinary kick. Melina had Maria in the corner, and she kicked backward with one foot while bending forward, which made her foot bring it’s self up to where her head was, slamming into Maria’s face.

The kick looked weak as far as the perception of impact, but the move itself was rather innovative and took some nice flexibility on Melina’s part. Melina: an often over looked wrestler that never ceases to impress me.

Well, I had a bit of a problem trying to calculate the score of a tag match. There was one moment nearing the end where Mickie runs across the apron, jumps off and lands on Victoria in a Lou Thez press fashion, and began throwing some punches. The camera then moved away from them, so I couldn’t see how many punches she got in. I seen one punch, and as the camera was moving away I am pretty sure I seen another punch, and it’s fair to assume she probably got in 2 to 4 more punches, but I can’t call what I don’t see.

Anyhow, the score goes as follows: (click here for an explanation of my point system)
Time= 3.00 minutes, winner= Melina: pinfall on Maria.

Striking: 8
Tosses: 4
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 2
Tosses: 0
Locks: 0
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 4
Tosses: 1
Locks: 1
Aerials: 0
Kickouts: 0

Striking: 8
Tosses: 3
Locks: 1
Aerials: 1
Kickouts: 1

Mickie: 23
Maria: 2
Victoria: 9
Melina: 21

Melina’s aerial was a modified version of her running face buster. I think it is called The Makeover. This modified version she delivered for the knock out on Maria incorporated running across the second rope corner in a matrix style circular wall kickoff. If someone actually knows what the hell that’s called, or has a better term for it, let me know. Anyhow I counted that as an aerial because she used an elevated platform to elevate her into the move. But I have to admit it was a pretty tough decision as to whether or not to count that as an aerial.

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